Orlando Walk

Join us on February 1, 2025

Orlando Walk Information

Date: 02/01/2025
On-Site Registration Starts: 1:00 pm
Program Starts: 2:00 pm
Location: Baldwin Park, Orlando, FL (2420 Lakemont Ave Orlando Fl 32814)
Contact: Vicki Long
Contact Phone: 407-701-2422
Contact Email: vlong.afsp@yahoo.com

Register today! Click the button above to get started.

Make an Impact


Register! There is no fee or fundraising minimum. Share your fundraising page link on social media, via text, or by email.



Become a Team Captain

On average, team captains recruit 74% of the people who attend a non-profit Walk.

Captains are essential!



Walk Alumni

Thank you for joining us again this year! When registering, please click the blue link under "Been Here Before?"

The fields below that are for creating new accounts.



Promote the Walk

Follow the @OOTDWalks accounts on Facebook and Twitter.

Click here to download the event flyer.

Share your fundraising page and post about the Orlando Walk using the #OutoftheDarkness hashtag.


Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsoring the Orlando Walk shows your community and employees that you care about mental health.


Reach out to Vicki Long at vlong.afsp@yahoo.com for more.



Event Committee and Day-of Walk volunteers help to make the Orlando Walk a success.

Send an email to vlong.afsp@yahoo.com to submit a volunteer application.


Creating a Facebook Fundraiser through your AFSP DonorDrive account is easy! Do not create a fundraiser through Facebook directly.

Sharing a Facebook Fundraiser on Instagram will not connect with your fundraising page.


Individually raise $150+ by 02/01/2025 for an Out of the Darkness Walk t-shirt at the event.

Teams that raise $1,000 or more by January 3th 2025 will have their team name printed on the 2025 Orlando Walk Shirt. 




Memory Signs

Dedicate a sign in memory of a loved one lost to suicide. These signs will be displayed at the Orlando Out of the Darkness Walk as a memorial to those we have lost and as a reminder of why we fight to bring the issue of suicide out of the darkness and help those who may still be struggling.

The sign will be created in memory of your loved one and personalized with a message or quote. 

If you are interested, please fill out this form and payment by Friday, January 17th, 2025.

Memory Signs Cost $50 - Following completion of this online form an AFSP Representative will follow up with an invoice.

Download the App!




Is there a registration fee?

There is no registration fee or fundraising minimum to participate.

We strongly encourage each participant to set a $150 fundraising goal to help support AFSP's work to stop suicide and receive the official walk t-shirt!


If I raise enough money, will my whole team get a shirt?

The event shirts are only given to individuals who raise $150 by 02/01/2025.

If your whole team wants a shirt, each member must raise $150


How do I make an offline donation?

To send a donation by check, please complete the Offline Donation Form and send it with your check to the address provided.

Offline Donation Form


Are dogs allowed?

Yes, dogs are allowed at this Walk.


How do I change my team status?

If you're already registered and looking to create a new team or join an existing one, simply log into your account and click "change team membership".



Can I register at the Walk? 

You can register or donate in-person at the Walk by scanning a QR code. Walk donations are accepted until December 31st.




Where can I find information on parking, the route, and the venue?

We will be set up in Baldwin Park in the grassy area between Upper Park Road and Lower Park Road nearest to Lake Baldwin. 

The walk will be approximately 3 miles in length around beautiful Lake Baldwin. 

For additional questions, please email vlong.afsp@yahoo.com.

Walk Day Activities


Check out the merchandise tent, photo booth, and resource tables.

Honor Beads

Complimentary Honor Beads will be available on-site to show your connection(s) to the cause. 

More About Honor Beads

Hope & Healing

Share messages of hope and remembrance.


If you or someone you know is in a crisis, dial 988 to reach the 988 Lifeline or contact the Crisis Text Line by texting TALK to 741-741.