Dover Mental Health Alliance Awareness Walk

Join us on September 21, 2024

Register Now Donate

Welcome to Dover Mental Health Alliance Awareness Walk

Event Details

Date: 09/21/2024
Location: Rotary Arts Pavilion, Dover, NH 
Registration: 10:00 am
Event Time: 11:00 am - 1:00 pm

For more information, please contact:
Contact Name: Steve Pappajohn 
Contact Phone: 603-674-9233 
Contact Email:

Join us for a coming together for our community, as we host our 3rd Annual Out of Darkness Community Walk, to raise awareness of mental health and suicide prevention.  This year’s event will be in-person, and include resource tables, guest speakers and a downtown walk route that will take us up and around Central Avenue.  When we return from the walk, there will be time to gather with refreshments, friends and meet some special guests.

Don’t forget to register and set a goal for raising funds for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention!  The more you raise, the more super cool swag we can give you to say, “thank you”!

Fundraise to Help #StopSuicide

$150+ - Raise $150 by September 23 and receive the official Out of the Darkness Walk t-shirt!   
Donations can 
be made to a team as a whole,  but the T-shirt and other incentives are based only on INDIVIDUAL fundraising.  

Create a FB Fundraiser through your account or it will not connect to your page! This is super easy in the app btw (wink wink) 

Create a FB Fundraiser through your account or it will not connect to your page! This is super easy in the app btw (wink wink) 


Is there a registration fee?
No, there is no registration fee to participate.


If I raise enough money, will my whole team get a shirt?
No. The event shirts are only given to individuals who raise $150. If your whole team wants a shirt, each member must raise $150


How do I make an offline donation?
To send a donation by check, please complete this form and send it with your check to the address provided.


Is there a fundraising minimum?
No, but we strongly encourage each participant to set a $150 fundraising goal to help support AFSP's work to stop suicide and receive the official walk t-shirt!


Can I register at the Walk? Yes!  You can register in-person at the Walk from the time check-in begins until the walk starts. Walk donations are accepted until December 31st.

Are dogs allowed? Yes! Friendly, leashed dogs are welcome at the walk.



Register by clicking the button at the top of the page

Thank you participants, volunteers, donors, and sponsors for your support! Together, we can save lives and bring hope.

If you or someone you know is in a crisis, dial 988 or text TALK to 741-741