46Climbs 2025

Join us on August 29, 2025

Register Now Donate

Event Details
Starts 08/29/2025 @ 12:00 AM
Ends 09/07/2025 @ 11:45 PM
Check-in Time N/A
Registration Cutoff 09/07/2025 @ 11:45 PM
Donation Cutoff 12/31/2025 @ 11:45 PM
Participant Target Goal N/A
Team Target Goal N/A
Sponsorship Target Amount N/A
Contact Kolby Ziemendorf
Phone 585-261-4799
Email Address contact@46climbs.com

Register by:

July 2nd – Package Shipped by July 16th
July 16th – Package Shipped by July 30th
July 30th – Package Shipped by Aug 13th
Aug 13th – Package Shipped by Aug 27th
After Aug 27th – Package Shipped ASAP!

Our Mission:
46Climbs strives to take positive action to overcome mental illness and suicide through challenging individuals across the country and beyond to set both physical and fundraising goals during an annual week climb.

How we got started:
In 2014, 46Climbs founders attempted to climb all 46 Adirondack High Peak Mountains during National Suicide Prevention Week to raise money for AFSP. After a very successful first few days, they ran into some obstacles (including an abnormally aggressive bear) that prevented them from reaching their goal. However, and most importantly, they did not give up. They recouped and set out to hike a modified version of their original "physical goal". As for their true goal in raising $10,000 for AFSP, they saw an incredible amount of support from across the country in greatly surpassing it. Overwhelmed with the realization of the need for others to have the same opportunity for healing through directing struggles with mental illness and/or suicide towards the physical challenge of a mountain, the idea for a national event was born on the trials of the Adirondacks during this original event. Consequently, the “46Climbs” name stuck and the bear was added to the logo to represent the struggles that sometimes follow us all and our ability to overcome them.

Since 2015, individuals from across the country have united as one 46Climbs community, challenging themselves by climbing and fundraising to conquer suicide once a year during National Suicide Prevention Week. Since the original 46Climbs event, participants have climbed a cumulative elevation gain of 2,486x Mt. Everest and raised over $1,226,550 for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Aside from the funds raised, this growing community has been a force for putting mental health in an incredibly positive light. Their action has sparked hundreds of conversations from the social media to the remote backcountry.

2024 Event:
This year is the 10th annual national 46Climbs event. It doesn't matter if you have never climbed a mountain before or if it is your profession, you too can be part of this remarkable community. Choose any mountain/trail or group of mountains (large or small) and climb/hike anytime between August 30th - September 8th. As you summit the mountain know so many others are standing with you on mountains throughout the country and beyond.

How it Works:
The sign up is similar to a 5K race. Your registration fee will go towards the 46Climbs package: a dry-fit t-shirt, a sticker, and a bandana for the first 1,500 participants. Those who fundraise over $250 will receive a 46Climbs patch (we know hikers really like those patches). When you reach the summit, take a picture wearing your shirt or holding up your bandana and post it on any social media platform (Facebook or Instagram) with the hashtag #46Climbs. During the event, watch as the pictures and stories flow in from all across the country (and beyond)! If you wish, on your donor page, share with us a story about you, your trip, or your connection to mental illness and/or suicide. On 46Climbs.com there is a map marking every mountain climbed during this year's event.


**Note: 46Climbs insists that all of its participants be mindful and respectful of the environment and other hikers. It is important to preserve the wild places through "Leave No Trace" for every adventurer to enjoy.

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