Honolulu Paws for Prevention 2025

Join us on April 6, 2025

Register Now Donate


Welcome to Honolulu Paws for Prevention 2025

Event Details

Date: 04/06/2025
Location: Skygate/Frank Fasi Civic Grounds, Honolulu, HI 
Registration: 8:00 am
Event Time: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm

For more information, please contact:
Contact Name: Dennis Hida 
Contact Phone: 808-469-9784 
Contact Email: dennishida.afsphi@gmail.com


We all know how important our pets are to us, and it has been found that the bond between people and their pets can lower stress
and feelings of loneliness AND bring happiness to their owners. 

Please join us at our first ever Paws for Prevention event. We'll have food vendors, dog product vendors, and 'regular' vendors, dog and keiki activities, contests with prizes, raffles and Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Resources and experts on site. We hope to create an enjoyable event for everyone yet share important Suicide Prevention information with everyone.

Become a Paws for Prevention Walk Sponsor




Fundraising 101

Fundraise to Help #StopSuicide and Get Rewarded!








Use Your Social Media

Post on your socials! Share why you walk with your community! Use the hashtags:

#PawsHawaii and #AFSPHawaii

Create a Facebook Fundraiser through your account or it will not connect to your page! This is super easy in the app btw (wink wink) 

If you want to fundraise on Instagram, add the link to your fundraising page to your profile bio! Then post about the Paws Walk and direct people to "donate in bio"

** Please note that Instagram fundraisers DO NOT integrate with your Walk fundraising page. If you would like to share on Instagram, add the link to your fundraising page to your bio or add it as a link in your Instagram story! **

If you or someone you know is in a crisis, please call 988 or text TALK to 741-741


Helpful Tools

Be sure to follow all of the steps after registering to get that fundraising going!

Need fundraising ideas? These recommendations will make it FUNdraise!