Members of the fan group for the Flop House Podcast would like to donate to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention as a way of showing our support for those with mental illness and their families. Struggles with mental health have affected many members of our community, as well as their families, and we are proud of our group's efforts to support each other during dark and difficult times. We'd like to do what we can to use our group's accepting and friendly attitude to make a positive impact for others battling with mental illness who may not have a personal network of support, outside of the excellent programs that AFSP provides. We hope that our donation will help to bring comfort and relief to those struggling with mental illness and the people who love them.
As soon as you donate, your name will be entered into a random drawing of donor names. Whomever the hosts of the Flop House randomly select from the pool of donors will get to select a bad movie to be featured on an episode of the Flop House Podcast! Anonymous donors will not qualify for this reward, as names will be recorded here on the AFSP page.
The campagin runs from 2/15/15 to 3/18/16. After the campaign ends on March 18th, every donation will be matched, dollar for dollar, by an anonymous group of Flop House fans.
Questions, comments, and suggestions may be directed to group member Shannon Campe, via Facebook or by email at
All proceeds of the campaign will go directly to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.
Thank you!
Image of Rocket Crocodile of "Rocket Crocodile and the World of Tomorrow" (a movie that doesn't exist because I'm making it up as I go along) by Alan Nguyen.
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