MrsYorl ~ Marlene profile picture

MrsYorl ~ Marlene

Team Captain Unicorn Party Las Vegas Walk



On April 27th please join me in supporting the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. 

Both Steve and I have been directly affected by suicide and depression. This walk is important to us in helping to raise awareness for Mental health struggles and Suicide Prevention. My why...

  1. I first found American Foundation for Suicide Prevention when actor Robin Williams died by suicide in 2014. I did not know him personally, but he was a San Francisco icon. There was something about his death that really effect me, If he who looked so happy, struggled so much, then what chance does anyone have? It really felt like a punch in the heart. That's when I woke up to the struggles and wanted to see what I could do. Since that day my why has changed and now I have lost numerous people in my life to suicide. 
  2. In 2016 I lost my uncle. It rocked my family to the core, I had already been involved with AFSP but things became very personal after that awful day. I was able to provide some help to my family through AFSP. 
  3. Then I lost my mother in 2017 to her battle with mental health. Now, I would happily walk and raise money, ask everyone I know for help, just so no one else has to go through losing a parent.

My WHY now is to help. I would love to #STOPSUICIDE 

I want to help AFSP raise funds for research, funds for free programs for those in need of help, funds for outreach, and funds to provide local support to those in their own community. 

I am joining hundreds of thousands of people across the country who are walking in the Out of the Darkness Community Walks to prevent suicide and support AFSP's mission to save lives and bring hope to those affected by suicide.

Please help me reach my goal by clicking the "Donate" button on this page.  

*Next help me out by sharing my fundraising page with your friends and family. If you can't donate what about supporting me by joining me? Become a member of my team today (Unicorn Party) you can walk virtually day of where you live or come to Vegas. 

One last way you can support me is on Twitch - April 13th-16th I will be hosting a raid train to raise money for AFSP. You can support by listening, and by sharing the stream on your socials. Let's bring awareness to AFSP and all the wonderful things they are doing to help. 

Remember ALL Donations are 100% tax deductible and benefit the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP), funding research, education, advocacy, and support for those affected by suicide.

*If you would like to donate by check, please download the offline donation form HERE and mail it with the check.

Thank you for your generous support!