Lin Boozychef
Lin Boozychef profile picture


A personal campaign sponsored by Lin Boozychef

February 28, 2019


Hi I'm Lin and this is my short story.  Before you read it I would like to thank everyone.  Those that introduced me to A.F.S.P, Locks of love, friends that are now family and many others that I may have not mentioned.  You know who you are.

Suicidal thoughts have touched many peoples lives at different point.  It touched mine when I was 15 years old.  The pressure from school was immense and to add to it I was being bullied at the times as well.  Needless to say it wasn't an easy time trying to get good grades and fit in.  Mental health awareness wasn't an open subject back then.  Telling anyone of these thoughts that dominated my mind only would lead to ridicule.  Over the years I have met many people that have felt immense pressure from what is happening around them.  It gives me great joy that we are able to have this conversation now and be open without being judged for how we feel.

I feel privileged to know that there are many people's story and how they were affected by suicide.  Feel more so privileged that they are around to share their story and help others in the times of darkness.  This fundraiser is dedicated to them as my thank you.

The #BoozyChefGives fundraiser will be running from Nov 1 until Feb 4 (World cancer day a.k.a. the haircut day).