Chey & The Clique profile picture

The Trees Project

A personal campaign sponsored by Chey & The Clique

December 1, 2022


This page was started to donate in the name of Tyler Joseph for his birthday. 

Tyler is the lead singer of Twenty One Pilots, but more than that he is a pillar for millions of people to lean on and look to for a source of guidance in their own journeys with their mental health. He on multiple occasions have checked in with his fans and ensured that he reenforced destigmatizing and talking about mental health which has changed not only my life, but The Cliques lives forever. Through this music we have found a sense of community and a home that will stick with us and will follow us through this life.

To Tyler, 

Thank you for all that you have done for us. Being consistently vulnerable and putting your soul out into the world for people to project onto and make it their own is not easy, but there is not a day that goes by where we are not thankful for what you have done for us. Now more than ever, we talk to different fans around the world and hear that you were the first person to ever put words to how we felt. You broke through the stigma around mental health and cut through to us in ways no artist has before. It saved lives. You have cultivated a community that cares about this message just as much as you, and because of that we take care of each other and let the fire within us burn bright. We wouldn't have found each other or had these tools without your words. These shows you put on for us have become a celebration of life and making it to the next milestone that sometimes is as simple as our birthday, and we cannot thank you for that enough.

Birthdays can be hard, but through this music and these shows, we have found ourselves looking forward to getting older. We couldn't have done it without you. So, while you are taking your 34th lap around the sun, know we are cheering you on with a newfound love and appreciation for life and continuing on. 

Thank you never seems like enough but, thank you. Happy birthday, hope this is the best one yet. 

Love, Chey & The most inclusive clique that ever was.